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SBL Tonicard Gold Drop 30ml

Product Highlights
  • Helps to prevent heart problems
  • Provide relief in case of palpitation, breathlessness, and rapid heart beat
  • Helps to improve the blood circulations
  • Helps to fight the increase of arteriosclerosis



Information about SBL Tonicard Gold Drop


Various factors such as stress, unhealthy eating habits, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, family history and diabetes can lead to heart problems.
SBLs Tonicard Gold Drops is a wonder heart tonic comprising beneficial herbs to keep the heart protected from various diseases and helps live a healthy life. It acts as preventive for those proneand can be used as an adjunct for those suffering from various heart disorders and taking allopathic treatment.

COMPOSITION: Cactus grandiflorus Q, Crataegus oxyacantha Q, Convallaria majalis Q, Valeriana offinalis Q, Strophanthus hispidus Q, Aurum muriaticum natronatum 3x, Camphora 2x


SBLs Tonicard Gold Drops- Tones up heart muscles.
Relieves palpitation, breathlessness and rapid heart beat.
Improves circulation of blood to heart as well as other parts of the body.
Decreases the progression of arteriosclerosis.
Acts as an excellent adjunct to cardiac therapies.
Heart tonic for healthier heart circulation.


DOSAGE: 20-30 drops in 1/4th cup of water, 3 times a day. For sudden unexpected symptoms 40 drops or as prescribed by the physician

PRESENTATION: Bottle of 30 ml.


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