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Zandu Rhumasyl Liniment 100ml



Information about Zandu Rhumasyl Liniment

Rhumasyl Liniment contains 2.5ml maha mash taila, an Ayurveda agent used to improve arthritic symptoms. 2.5mL of Narayan taila is also added to improve the development of inflammation in the body.
Rhumasyl oil is used to help with improving how the body responds to muscle pains, stiffness and arthritis. It helps by stimulating blood circulation and improves how warm the applied area can become. It also reduces inflammation in the body.

Directions of use:-
Rhumasyl oil is used by applying it directly onto the part of the body that is affected. This is used to assist in relaxing the body over time and to ease stress.

Use under medical supervision.


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