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Hicks Earbuds

One of the most common uses of the cotton swabs buds is to clean the ear canal by removing earwax. Hicks earbuds by Hick India are sterilized and clinically tested earbuds. This product comes with padded cotton tips. Hence, this helps clean the delicate areas around the eyes and outer ear. Moreover, these earbuds are safe for babies. One can use them to clean the baby’s ear wax and belly button. Also, you can use these earbuds for other purposes like:

  • For applying and removing makeup.
  • For manicure purposes.
  • To touch up nail polish that gets on the surrounding skin.
  • For cleaning of a few household items.

Furthermore, you can use these pure cotton earbuds swabs for other medicinal purposes too. So, use them to apply cleaning substances like Betadine to a targeted area. One more important thing about this product is its good quality. Therefore, it is the most trusted product due to its soft and absorbent cotton buds. Besides that, they are a perfect tool to take DNA samples. Do you know how? By scraping cells from the inner cheek of any human.

Additionally, these swabs are ideal for microbiological environmental monitoring. One can take samples using it. These Buddy cotton buds come in a pack of 100 swabs. Keep the below tips in mind while using these buds:

  • Do not insert the swab into ear canals to avoid injuries.
  • Stroke the bud gently only on the outer surface of the ear.
  • Keep it out of the reach of the children.

Also,these are one of the best cotton earbuds when it comes to quality and comfort. Buy this product today at an affordable price!


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